Please purchase required materials for your courses before buying any additional items. Financial aid is based on your potential refund after aid is applied to your tuition and fee cost. Any money spent will be deducted from your potential refund. Please shop responsibly.
Best Buy orders for items unrelated to school may be cancelled without notice. Please order only items needed related to your classes.
Best Buy items are not kept in store. If you choose to pick them up in store, please allow time for Best Buy to deliver the items to us. We will then contact you when they are ready for pick up. The UAPTC Bookstore does not control Best Buy's shipping speed; any shipping options at the checkout are for materials physically stored at our store, not related to Best Buy. Choosing expedited or express shipping will not affect Best Buy items. If you pay extra for shipping, it cannot be refunded once the transaction is complete.
iPhone |
iPad |
Mac |
Apple Watch |
Airpods |
Beats |
Accessories |
HomePod |
Apple TV |